The chart updates continuously in real time but there will be a ~3 minute delay before you see the first result.
2 spots are uploaded to every even minute by a WSPR Daemon server in California.
The first is uploaded at even + 10 seconds and the next is uploaded at even + 20 seconds.
The WSPRnet server CPU
processing time
and the time it takes to return an
(ack) are recorded.
The WSPRnet API and the WSPRnet old db are then queried for the two spots at even + 30 secs and odd + 10 secs respectively.
The time taken for the db query results to be returned is also recorded.
The WD server uses Server Sent Events to update your browser within a second of receiving each result.
The Chart
The chart bar values and spot count update in real time as returned data arrives.
Mouse over the chart bars for detailed upload and download times.
Losses and network failures are highlighted in red.
Normal times
Under light spot load, processing and ack times combined take less than 500ms.
Short "square" bar segments show healthy < 500ms response times.
Longer bars signify slow responses that are often well into the seconds.
The spots
Balloon telemetry callsigns are used to prevent db pollution.
You can search for the most recent 500 test spots using these links
WSPRnet old db spots
• spots
Fetch 60 minutes of the uploaded spots from the WSPRnet API
WSPRnet API spots
(note that a current API fetch yields different results from an API fetch in any previous time slot)
close help
Reset and restart with zero data
Bar chart legend
Spot 1 uploaded at even minute + 10 seconds
Spot 2 uploaded at even minute + 20 seconds
Query WSPRnet API at even minute + 30 seconds
Query WSPRnet DB at odd minute + 10 seconds
Failures are red
Mouse over the coloured chart bar segments for detailed timing info.
gauge goes here
copy data
report summary
ack times
dup list
Links to display the most recent 500 spots at
24hr/hour spot load as measured by ClickHouse
hourly spots
2 sec
5 secs
10 secs
15 secs
← approx time scale
This chart will auto-update starting from the next even minute.