This app is a simple point and click guide to help maximise communication by visualising current propagation.
The horizontal axis
Click any Month/Day label on the horizontal axis to zoom in to that day.
eg. clicking '10/09' would zoom to October 9th.
Go back in time
Click the word 'Period' at the days selector to go back in time.
The date you enter will then be used as the END DATE for the period you click on.
eg. Entering 2023-01-01 and clicking "14 days" as the period will fetch 14 days ending at 2023-01-01.
Click the Cancel button in the date dialog box to return the END DATE to "now".
Spots in both directions are queried by default.
Click the text 'Choose callsign' or 'Choose location' to set either one as the transmitter.
The colours change to red and green as indicators.
Click a green label to reverse direction.
Click a red label to cancel directionality.
Chart line Data Points
Mouse over the Band Legend on the left of the chart window to highlight each chart line and its data points.
Mouse over the data points on the chart lines to see their spot count.
Personalise the callsign menu
Open the [
menu editor
The changes are saved in Local Storage within your browser.
v 5.0.0 Juy 2024 Phil vk7jj at me dot com